Now that I live in the “city” (of San Francisco), I don’t have very long commutes anywhere (not to mention, having no office to go to, my commute to work is...non-existent). And while it’s pretty sweet to be able to walk any place you want to go, I do miss those daily book dates on-board. But, lives change and routines change with it, and books (and my sanity for that matter) shouldn’t suffer because of it.
To go along with my “ScoutOUT!” bits, I’m starting another feature called “That’s books for ya!”. This new addition will share the wordy adventures of my reads (which are almost always non-fiction), crazy discoveries (aka…wtf! protein causes cancer!!) and most likely wrap up with a review of some sort.
Here to kick off the first "That's book for ya!" is my current read - The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted, by T. Colin Campbell PhD.

With only 50 pages read, I can say the learnings thus far revealed are INSANE in the membrane – literally. Campbell, along with students and colleagues, conducted much research that strongly (like 100 to 0) suggests having too much protein (especially from animals…so things like cheese, milk, or chicken strips) really isn’t a good idea at all. Well, why not??? Because it’ll probably give you cancer, that's why.
Like fertilizer for weeds, protein (when over done and animal derived) feeds the multiplying cancer cells, boosting growth and allowing the cells to thrive into tumors. Not cool. What a misleading name…pro-tein. Ha. Campbell goes on to share that a low protein diet (mostly from plant proteins) can actually reverse cancer cell growth. That’s right…less protein (from animals) prevents AND reverses cancer. Like I said, insane in the membrane. Just another reason I’m hella happy that I've never been a fan of chicken strips and that I'm a mostly-vegetarian (although reading this book has gotten me rethinking all that cheese, butter, and cream I’m so fond of…).
More shocks to come, I’m sure…
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